How Often Do You Take A Cat To The Vet

A man in glasses petting his pet cat


Almost all pet owners will tell you that their feline companion is a member of the family. So it's only natural that we want to make sure our cats are as healthy as possible. But how often do you need to take your cat to the vet for checkups? And what kind of health problems should you be on the lookout for? In this blog post, we'll answer those questions and more. We'll also provide some tips on choosing the right veterinarian for your cat. So read on to learn more!


So How Often Do You Take A Cat to The Vet?

The American Animal Hospital Association recommends that all pet parents should take their cats to the veterinarian at least once a year for a routine checkup. That said, there are some circumstances where your cat may need to go more often. For example, if your cat is elderly or has a chronic health condition, she may need to be seen every six months or even more frequently. And, of course, if your cat is sick or injured, she'll need to see the vet right away.


Why It's Important To Take Your Cat To The Vet


A woman petting her cat


During your cat's life, routine veterinary care is essential for a variety of reasons. Every checkup will include a thorough physical examination that may reveal problems, including skin diseases, tooth problems, and even masses discovered in or on your cat. 

External parasites such as fleas, ticks, or ear mites can also be detected and treated at vet visits. It's also critical to keep your cat updated on vaccines and annual wellness testing (including a physical examination, blood work, and a fecal test), even if they remain an indoor pet.

Routine inspections, such as these, will aid your veterinarian in detecting any abnormalities promptly and early, allowing for the administration of appropriate medicines or treatments. Cat vaccinations are an important part of cat health. They also help keep your cat healthy and safe from deadly diseases like rabies by immunizing them against those illnesses. Don't forget to get your cat monthly flea, tick, heartworm, and infection preventives!


Vet Check-in By Various Age Groups

A lady holding a cat


Your cat's age will help determine how frequently she needs to be seen by a veterinarian. Below we discuss how often your cat should visit the veterinary clinic based on age groups.


Kittens (Less Than One Year)

As a kitten, your cat should go for routine check-ups every few weeks until she is around four months old. This will help her get used to the vet's office and staff and also give the vet a chance to monitor her health and development.

At these early visits, young kittens will receive their first set of vaccines, which will protect them from a variety of deadly diseases. they'll also be tested for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). These are two serious viruses that can cause illness or even death in cats, so it's important to test for them as early as possible.

Preventative medications, such as deworming medication and flea treatments, are also given during these visits.


Adult Cats (1-4 Years)

It's important to visit the veterinarian at least once a year for your cat's annual checkup as they mature from kitten to a healthy young adult cat.

This enables your veterinarian to monitor your cat's general health and well-being, including body weight, oral health, heart and organ functions, joint health, and various other vital factors.

Your cat's vaccinations will most likely be updated at least once a year. Vaccines are usually given during these annual checkups. Even if your cat is an indoor cat, they will still require rabies vaccines.

If you believe your cat is ill, it's always a good idea to book an emergency appointment with a veterinarian. A visit to a qualified veterinarian is a wonderful way to obtain the necessary medical advice.


Middle Aged – Senior Cats (5-8 Years)


A lady carrying her middle aged cat


As your cat ages, it's important to keep up with annual wellness checkups and continue monitoring their health closely. Many health conditions, such as diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and cancer, can develop during this time.

Cats typically reach senior status around the age of seven or eight years old. At this stage in life, it's recommended to take your senior cat to the vet at least twice a year for comprehensive checkups. These appointments will be similar to the annual visits during their younger years but may be more thorough.

Your veterinarian will likely recommend some additional diagnostic tests during these visits to help catch any early signs of illness or disease. Blood work, urine testing, and x-rays may be recommended to help identify any potential problems.

As your cat gets older, they may also require more frequent grooming and have a reduced ability to groom themselves. This can lead to mats forming in their fur, which can be painful and uncomfortable. Regular brushing at home can help prevent this, but you may also need to schedule professional grooming appointments more often.

A good rule of thumb is to always keep an eye on your cat's behavior and appearance and consult with a veterinarian if you notice any changes that concern you. With regular checkups and preventive care, you can help your cat enjoy a long, healthy life!


Tips For Bringing Your Cat To The Vet

Make sure your cat has a comfortable carrier: A carrier that's too small will be cramped and uncomfortable for your cat. And one that's too big may allow your cat to move around so much that she could injure herself. Look for a carrier that's just big enough for your cat to stand up, turn around, and lie down in comfortably.

You might also want to put a towel or blanket in the carrier to help your cat feel more secure. And if your cat is particularly anxious about going to the vet, you can ask your veterinarian about using a calming pheromone product that can help reduce stress during veterinary visits.


A vet tending to a cat in a box


Choose the right veterinarian: Not all veterinarians are created equal. When you're looking for a vet for your cat, take your time and do your research. Ask friends, family, and other cat owners for recommendations. Once you've narrowed down your choices, schedule a visit to each vet's office so you can get a feel for the environment and meet the staff. And most importantly, make sure the veterinarian you choose is someone who makes you and your cat feel comfortable.

Make an appointment for a quiet time of day: If your cat is particularly anxious about going to the vet, try to make an appointment for a time of day when the office isn't likely to be as busy. That way, there will be fewer people and animals around to stress your cat out.

Try a Fear Free or cats-only clinic: There are a few veterinary clinics that specialize in cats, depending on where you live. And you might be interested to know whether your veterinarian's clinic is Fear Free Certified or uses low-stress handling methods. This entails taking every possible step to create a calm environment for cats as well as using minimal restraint during examinations and operations.


Common Reasons Why Cats Need To Visit The Vet

There are a variety of reasons why your cat might need a veterinary visit. Some of the most common reasons include:

Your cat is not eating or drinking normally

  • Your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea

  • Your cat is lethargic or seems to be in pain

  • Your cat is urinating more often than usual or has blood in her urine

  • Your cat is coughing, sneezing, or has runny eyes or nose

  • Your cat's coat looks dirty, or she's losing fur

  • You notice any changes in your cat's behavior, such as increased aggression or anxiety.

These are just a few examples. If you have any concerns about your cat's health, always err on the side of caution and make an appointment with your veterinarian.

What Is Considered A Pet Emergency?

If your cat is having any of the following symptoms, it's considered a pet emergency, and you should take them to the vet or an emergency animal hospital immediately:

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Non-stop vomiting or diarrhea

  • Uncontrollable bleeding

  • Making multiple trips to the litter box with no urine coming out

  • Severe trauma, such as being hit by a car

  • Signs of pain, such as crying out or whimpering

  • Loss of consciousness

Don't wait! If you think your cat is having a medical emergency, call your veterinarian or an emergency animal hospital right away. Time is of the essence in these situations, and the sooner you get treatment for your cat, the better their chances will be.


What To Expect At The Vet Visit


A person holding up the paw of a kitten


When you take your cat to the vet, they will likely give her a physical examination. This will involve listening to her heart and lungs, feeling her abdomen, checking her temperature, and examining her eyes, ears, mouth, and skin.

The vet may also recommend some tests to check for any underlying health issues. These could include blood work, urine testing, x-rays, or ultrasounds. Depending on what the vet finds during the exam, they may also recommend some additional treatment or medication for your cat.


Regular veterinary checkups are important for kittens, healthy adult cats and senior cats. They help catch potential health problems early on and allow you to keep your cat happy and healthy for many years to come.

When choosing a vet for your cat, make sure you take your time and choose someone who makes both you and your cat feel comfortable. And if your cat is anxious about going to the vet, try to make an appointment for a quieter time of day or look for a cats-only clinic in your area.

What other questions do you have about taking your cat to the vet? Let us know in the comments below!





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